Interferential current therapy is an effective therapy option used by many physiotherapy clinics to relieve pain and accelerate the self-healing process, getting your body back to a healthy, pain-free state. The high-frequency signals of an IFC penetrate through the skin into deeper lying muscle tissues.
Electrodes are placed on your skin around the injured body part. The Interferential Current device then transmits electrical impulses in minute quantities through your skin. Underlying tissue and nerves are stimulated which begins the healing properties. These impulses are not painful in the least. In fact, patients describe the sensation as a minor prickle on their skin. Frequencies produced by the IFC have been proven to stimulate endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers. This can help to create a self-healing process without the need to for medications. This form of therapy is also extremely useful in reducing pain, inflammation, curing edema, and spasms.
How the Interferential Current Therapy Helps
Interferential Current stimulation is very useful in the treatment of circulatory and muscular disorders, stiffness of joints, edema, and inflammation. If you suffer from health problems such as cumulative trauma disorders, body pain, joint injuries, or are pre or post orthopedic surgery, interferential current therapy is an important option.
Interferential current therapy has been in use for many years, and there have been numerous case studies and research reports that have documented its versatility in treating diverse symptoms, accelerating the healing process and restoring normal movement. Patients who chose to undergo interferential current therapy have fewer post-op complications compared to people who rely exclusively on medications for pain relief. It also helps in blood circulation and hastens the healing process by stimulating endorphins.
Common Questions
Are interferential devices safe?
Does my insurance cover the cost for interferential treatment?
Where does interferential currency therapy work best?
Is interferential current therapy better than TENS?
How does interferential current work?
Coverage Options
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