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Category ANRC Physiotherapy Clinic

16 Jan

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)by Physio Horsham

The term ‘thoracic outlet syndrome’ describes compression of the neurovascular structures as they exit through the thoracic outlet (cervicothoracobrachial region). The thoracic outlet is marked by the anterior scalene muscle anteriorly, the middle scalene posteriorly, and the first rib inferiorly. Certain anatomical abnormalities can be potentially compromising to the thoracic outlet as well. These include […]


16 Jan

Thoracic Hypokyphosis – physio Horsham

Thoracic hyperkyphosis is described as an excessive anteroposterior curvature of the thoracic spine of greater than 40°. Normal kyphosis angles vary between Clinically Relevant Anatomy The thoracic part of the spine natural kyphosis. This thoracic curvature is the result of a slight wedging of the vertebrae. Line of Gravity Etiology There is no widely accepted […]


16 Jan

Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome-by physio horsham

Introduction Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a term used to describe the pain of the sacroiliac joint (SI joint). It is usually caused by abnormal motion (i.e. hyper- or hypo-mobile) or malalignment of the sacroiliac joint. Sacroiliac joint syndrome is a significant source of pain in 15% to 30% of people with mechanical low back pain. […]


16 Jan

How Posture Affects Your Health and Well-Being: A Guide to Understanding and Improving Your Body Alignment

What is Posture? Posture is the attitude assumed by the body either with support during muscular inactivity, or the coordinated action of many muscles working to maintain stability. It forms an essential basis that is being adapted constantly. Our posture is an active process involving not only our muscles and joints but also our perception, […]


16 Jan


1. FORWARD HEAD POSTURE The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) defines FHP as holding the head out, in front of its natural position over the cervical spine. A person with FHP also typically tilts their head back in order to look forward. This posture puts a strain on the muscles and bones of the […]


16 Jan

How to Prevent and Treat Low Back Pain Caused by Hyper Lordosis: A Complete Guide to Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions for This Common Spinal Condition -Physio Horsham

How to Prevent and Treat Low Back Pain Caused by Hyper Lordosis: A Complete Guide to Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions for This Common Spinal Condition -Physio Horsham


19 Apr

Heel Pain (Plantar fasciitis)

Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis) Introduction Heel pain is a very common problem that may be attributed to several etiologies, including heel spurs, plantar fascia irritation (acute or chronic), and bursitis. Plantar fasciitis is thought to result from microtears in the fascia due to repeated biomechanical stress on the arch of the foot on weight-bearing. Plantar […]


6 Apr

Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial Pain Syndrome Musculoskeletal disorders are the main cause of disability in the working-age population and are among the leading causes of disability in other age groups. Myofascial pain syndrome is a common painful muscle disorder caused by myofascial trigger points. Pain and limited function of the locomotor (or musculoskeletal) system are two of the […]


10 Mar

What is Interferential Current Therapy ?

Interferential Current Therapy Interferential current therapy is an effective therapy option used by many physiotherapy clinics to relieve pain and accelerate the self-healing process, getting your body back to a healthy, pain-free state. The high-frequency signals of an IFC penetrate through the skin into deeper lying muscle tissues. Electrodes are placed on your skin around […]


17 Oct

Importance of pelvic floor strengthening exercises re-emphasised

importance of Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises re-emphasised UK physiotherapists used Valentine’s Day to launch a campaign to encourage members of the public to perform physiotherapy exercises to tighten up their pelvic floors. Pelvic floor muscle exercises tone and strengthen these muscles, improving blood supply and nerve activity, all leading to greater pleasure. Many people are […]